Monday 21 June 2010

Lollipop Cupcakes Yum!

These are my best creation by far, inspired by pictures from Google of cupcakes. It was the Receptionists birthday at work and she is such a LOVELY lady, i thought i'd make cupcakes as a gift. Vanilla cupcakes, with vanilla butter icing, sprinkles and lollipops stuck in the top. They went down fantastically at work, and no one believed that i baked them myself. I can't wait to take my next creations to work!

Saturday 19 June 2010

The Brightest Cupcakes You Ever Saw!

I thought it would be cool to have two for food and baking creations, and one that doesn't involve food at all, Big Red. So here's the first of my baking creations. Cupcakes...bright coloured ones!! :-)